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Benefits of Valerian You Didn't Know About

Do you experience sleeping disorders (insomnia), anxiety, or stress? Are you on sleeping or anti-anxiety pills? If you are still on medication and struggling, we are assuming that you haven't heard about Valerian as yet! 

Valerian is a scented pink and white flower, and it's root is used as a herb. It is sold in multiple forms, such as tea, capsules, tinctures, all generated from its roots.

In the U.S., Valerian root is consumed as an herbal supplement. Several companies are making products using Valerian as it is known to have minimal side effects. It assists sleep, helps relieve headaches, anxiety, among others. 

It also helps with restlessness when added to water which you use to bathe. Treatments carried out via Valerian are yet to be supported by scientific studies, but in the world of holistic, it is a highly effective herb.

An Effective Herbal Sleep Aid

Herbal medical practitioners have suggested Valerian for better sleep. It is said that during World War II, Valerian was used for stress relief caused by air raids. Research shows that valerenic acid probably is the anxiety-reducing component of valerian root.

People grappling with anxiety may feel extremely nervous and tensed occasionally. Moreover, it can disrupt their concentration and mood, resulting in irritability and restlessness. Their fear of impending doom can cause discomfort and frustration. What’s worse is that anxiety will affect their sleeping patterns as well! Do you want to enjoy a peaceful deep sleep? Try Life of Kava Tincture for Sleep. 

Valerian for Tummy Troubles

When you are anxious, a few of your body's hormones and chemicals enter your digestive system and disturb it’s normal functioning patterns. They harm your gut flora (microorganisms found in the digestive tract that improve digestion) and reduce the production of anti-bodies which protect your body. To combat poor digestion, try using Life of Sage Tincture, not only will it help you feel better temporarily but constant use can have long-term benefits!

Easing of Premenstrual Symptoms

Premenstrual symptoms include bloating, headache, cramps, mood swings, etc., before your menstruation cycle. Studies show valerian roots help in reducing the severity of mental and physical symptoms. However, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) also impacts women's sex drive. We would recommend you to use NeutraTox Tincture to maintain your sex drive and help with PMS.

Stress and anxiety lead to inflammatory reactions which in turn can cause fluctuations in levels of inflammatory markers; It also compromises the immune system and makes you physically ill. To overcome this situation, herbal medications like those including turmeric and Elderberry can be of great help! These are the best herbs available in the market right now, and the best part is, you can get them from our store easily!

Wrapping Up

Valerian root supplement is used as directed on the package. Teas, tinctures, capsules, or liquid are readily available over the counter in any supplement and at our herbal online store. Products have different dosages mentioned and although they are safe to use, it is necessary to talk to your doctor before consuming the dose per day.